Consulting, Clearing & Energy Healing

About Me

I am a highly intuitive Holy Fire III Reiki master, energy healer and seer. I provide deep transformations for my clients through the use of my healing abilities, wisdom and ability to track down and resolve the root causes of issues my clients are experiencing.  I help my clients remember who they are at a soul level by leading them through a journey of self-discovery and activation with my unique intuitive approach to interpreting my clients’ energetic blueprints with the use of astrology, human design and numerology. Learn more about me and what I have to offer on the about page.

Current Service Offers 8/15/2024

  • 1 Hour Individual Session

  • $144-New Clients

  • $111- Return Clients

  • Home/Business Clearing

  • $45 to $75- Depending Upon Request

  • Intuitive Card Reading

  • $44 to 88- Depending Upon Request

  • Intuitive Human Design Chart Reading

  • $111- Basic Astrology and Numerology Information Included.

  • Remote Energy Field Clearing

  • $55 to $99- New Clients (Depending Upon Level of Follow Up and Services Requested)

  • $33- Return Clients


Katie Callahan



  • Katie has truly been a lifesaver for me. She has helped me through some of the most challenging moments of my life. Her wisdom, compassion, and healing energy have made a significant impact on my well-being. Katie has an exceptional ability to create a safe and nurturing space where I can heal and grow. Her support has been invaluable, and I am incredibly grateful for the positive changes she has helped me achieve. If you're seeking a compassionate healer who genuinely cares about your well-being, Katie is the one to turn to. Kelsey A. -Colorado

  • I didn’t know what to expect from my session with Katie and had no idea how inspired I would get from our encounter. She recognized that I am experiencing a new spiritual awakening that is expressing itself through art. Her confirmation of the importance of continuing creating as healing for not only myself but others who appreciate my art was so POWERFUL! I felt as if I could have meditated for an entire year seeking clarity and within a few minutes she had handed me a map of the next steps in my soul’s journey. Mona R. -Missouri

  • Katie has been able to clear my energy field from some pretty heavy stuff. I immediately felt a difference and continue to feel better than I have in years. She did not waste any time and was able to tap into what I needed to get relief from the entities that were draining me. I have continued to work with her and she is helping me discover my authentic self. Her tips on grounding, clearing and protecting my empathetic energy have had a true impact – I had no idea how to deal with this before working with her. There are no words to describe how much she has helped me. I would encourage anyone who is an empath or highly intuitive to reach out for guidance, support or reassurance. Katie is the real deal! Amy S. -Colorado

  • I’ve had multiple sessions with Katie and I’m so happy that she was referred to me. Katie helped me understand that I have blocks in my life holding me back. Once she helped me clear those blocks, I felt a heaviness lifted. I highly recommend having her review your charts as it’s a good opportunity to learn more about yourself and let go of unbeneficial beliefs, some you weren’t even aware you had. Seth J. -Colorado

  • The Universe led me to Katie, I was drawn to her, so I reached out and am so glad I did! The first time I spoke to her she was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I didn’t come in with any agenda and was open to what I could get out of my experience - I got more than I ever expected! She is obviously someone who brings the gift of many lifetimes of experience. Katie guided the conversation with a knowing that put me at incredible ease, as if talking to an old friend. My sessions with her provide a clarity and depth of true affirmation that I can only relate to a healing hug. In fact, that is what my sessions with Katie feel like, therapy for my soul. It is a unique experience that I want everyone I know and love to have! I keep referring her to anyone that is interested in healing, or just needing to explore how to design a life that is more authentic! Trudy C. -Colorado

  • I am recommending Katie Callahan as a viable resource for energy work. I have struggled with weird energy in my home for a while now. You would think as a senior clergy person that I could have taken care of it. I utilized her services and my home has been filled with peace and joy ever since. It was quick and affordable. I highly recommend her services. Sue A. -Washington

  • Katie has been a tremendous help on my spiritual endeavors from quick responses to open and honest feedback. Katie is very knowledgeable in this area and her guidance is always helpful. Courtney K. -Florida

  • Katie is so much more than advertised. Her attention to what a person truly needs is miles ahead of what anyone else doing in the same type of work. Her questions and desire to find the truth for you is unparalleled. Her follow up and insight is spot on. If you need or want an answer, Katie is the place to find it. And by the way, her ability to find root problems and clear them so that you have the best possible outcome, is what makes Katie the rockstar of her field. Give her a chance to exceed your expectations! Chris- Nebraska

Topics at 12:

Human Design

August 20, 2024

Complimentary Resources and Links (Free Chart)

(Free PDF from Karen Curry Parker)

file:///D:/Downloads/James-Wilson-How-to-Read-Your-Human-Design-Chart-User-Guide-Workbook-V.1.pdf (Complimentary User Guide and Workbook from James Wilson -Business By Design Course James Wilson)

 file:///D:/Downloads/James-Wilson-The-Planetary-Astrology-Gates-by-Human-Design-Workbook-V.1.pdf (Planetary Astrology Gates Workbook- James Wilson) (Link to online gate library-Christie Inge) (Link to online PDF of gate descriptions- Christie Inge)

NeutrinoDesign App- (Human Design App)


Katie Callahan
