About Me…

I am a highly intuitive Holy Fire III Reiki master, energy healer and seer. I provide deep transformations for my clients through the use of my healing abilities, wisdom and ability to track down and resolve the root causes of issues my clients are experiencing.  I help my clients remember who they are at a soul level by leading them through a journey of self-discovery and activation with my unique intuitive approach to interpreting my clients’ energetic blueprints with the use of astrology, human design and numerology.

I specialize in removing energetic attachments from my clients’ physical and subtle bodies and energetically clearing physical locations. It is a large part of my soul’s purpose to teach my clients how to protect and work with their own energy fields and keep themselves clear from outside energies.

With my unique set of skills and ability to quickly track into and obtain the information I am seeking, I have consistently been able to provide major shifts and transformations for my clients, and often times just after one session. I have helped my clients’ transcend various issues they are experiencing by holistically addressing the mind, body and soul. I have a wide blend of knowledge and skills when it comes to addressing each of these areas and through my ability to read my clients at a soul level, I am able to intuitively identify modalities that are best for my clients to achieve the transformations and healing they are seeking.   

I have worked in various social service fields for approximately 15 years, working directly with children in the juvenile justice system and out of home placements for 12 of those years. I have a BA in criminology and criminal justice with psychology from the University of Nebraska Omaha and vast experience and training in working with all types trauma and cognitive behavioral health (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) modalities. My knowledge and experience extends to substance abuse, anger management, self-harm, anxiety, depression, complex PTSD as well as specializing in working with those who have been diagnosed bipolar or with borderline personality disorder.

Since a young age I have been highly empathetic and intuitive, feeling like I never quite fit in anywhere or felt seen, heard or understood which is one reason why I can so easily relates to my clients.  It wasn’t until after I was physically assaulted in January of 2020 that I started embarking on my own spiritual healing journey as I realized that I was not going to receive the help or healing I needed otherwise. After realizing that everything is energy and that one cannot truly heal from their traumas unless they are targeting the mind, body and soul collectively, I opened the doors to healing that I never imagined possible. I realized why I had never received the healing I needed prior, as all prior modalities only focused on the mind and the body, disregarding the soul and other unseen energetics at play.

What makes me stand out is my combination of life experiences, the wealth of knowledge I have gathered along the way and my ability to locate information I am seeking through various means. I have an innate ability to read energy and even the slightest shifts in frequency while seeing who people are at a soul level.

I have the heart of a teacher and my purpose here is to guide and lead others. I am fearless in my pursuit of helping humanity and this planet to thrive and heal and for this reason, I am constantly researching, learning new skills and expanding my consciousness to fulfill the mission I came here to do. I strongly believe that we must always lead with love and that love itself can create miracles. 🤍

I am a 33/6 life path, a 3/5 splenic projector, and am Scorpio rising with a Capricorn sun and Sagittarius moon.